What Students Say

Darrel is always willing to give all the time we need to understand a concept. Opened my eyes to a whole new world I know very little about. Looking forward to continuing the journey. - Brent K.

I had a great experience taking the Investing Financial Program offered by Darrel Spayth through Everett Community College. Before entering the program, my investment knowledge was limited. I had only a minimal understanding of how to perform fundamental and technical analysis.

One of my goals is to be a financial investor full-time, and I believe this program has helped me make a big step in that direction. I knew to achieve this goal; I would need to understand how the stock market worked. Taking Darrel's program opened my eyes to how to see the complete picture of the market.

The most important things I learned were when and how to enter into the market, control and manage risk, and properly evaluate a company before making an investment decision. Darrel made these things very easy to understand in the way he structured the program. He also taught me that I must treat investing like a business and keep it organized like one.

Treating investing like a business has been a critical element of my success. Before I took this program, I struggled a lot when it came to being organized. Through the program, I learned how to set up and follow a daily and weekly routine. I learned how to manage and keep a trading and disposition log, which is a critical tool to have to be able to evaluate my investment decisions.

In conclusion, I feel like I gained a lot of knowledge and understanding from Darrel's program to help me for years to come with my financial success.  I strongly encourage anyone looking to learn how to invest successfully with the necessary skills and proper tools to consider taking this program!

Sean R.

The teacher's knowledge of the industry and how he was able to communicate, which made the class very interesting. - Monica T.

Mr. Spayth's manner of teaching was excellent, the supplemental material provided including spreadsheets and links to investing sites are extremely helpful. Mingying L.

Instructor guided us with real examples, data and help me to understand investments tools. - Humberto M.